Gender Equality: 

  1. Gender stereotypes and biases: Preconceived notions and  beliefs about gender roles and attributes. 
  2. Gender pay gap: The disparity in earnings between men  and women performing similar jobs. 
  3. Gender discrimination: Unfair treatment based on an  individual’s gender. 
  4. Gender-based violence: Physical, sexual, or psychological  harm inflicted on individuals due to their gender. 
  5. Gender mainstreaming: The integration of gender  perspectives in policies and programs to promote equality. 
  6. Gender equality policies: Government measures and  initiatives to achieve gender parity and eliminate  discrimination. 
  7. Gender representation in leadership roles: The presence of  men and women in decision-making positions within  organizations. 
  8. Women empowerment initiatives: Efforts to increase the  participation and influence of women in society and the  workplace. 
  9. LGBTQ+ rights and inclusivity: Advocacy for the rights and  acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer  individuals. 
  10. Gender equality in education and employment: Equal  access and opportunities for men and women in education  and the workforce. 

Context: Gender stereotypes and biases perpetuate harmful  norms and attitudes, contributing to the persistent gender pay  gap and gender discrimination in various spheres of life.  Addressing issues like gender-based violence is crucial to  fostering a safe and equitable society. Gender mainstreaming aims to integrate gender perspectives into all policies and  decision-making processes. Implementing effective gender equality policies is vital in promoting fairness and dismantling  barriers to progress. Encouraging gender representation in  leadership roles fosters diverse and inclusive decision-making  spaces. Women empowerment initiatives play a pivotal role in  uplifting women and creating more opportunities for their  advancement. Promoting LGBTQ+ rights and inclusivity is  essential for building a society that embraces diversity and  respects individual identities. Ensuring gender equality in  education and employment paves the way for a more just and  equitable future for all, regardless of gender.