Discover the Power of Reading: Boost Your Knowledge with Us!IELTS Band 8+ Words and Phrased on most important | Consumerism | Lesson-17
Consumerism: Materialism: The excessive focus on acquiring material possessions and wealth. Consumer culture: A society that places high value on consumption and the acquisition of goods and services. Impulsive buying: Making purchases on a whim without much...
IELTS Band 8+ Words and Phrased on most important | Media and Communication | Lesson-16
Media and Communication: Media censorship: The control and restriction of information by government authorities or media organizations. Media consumption habits: Patterns of how individuals consume and interact with media content. Media ethics: Standards and...
IELTS Band 8+ Words and Phrased on most important | Language | Lesson-15
Language: Linguistic diversity: The variety of languages spoken within a particular region or community. Multilingual societies: Societies in which multiple languages are used for communication. Language proficiency: The level of ability to speak, read, and...
IELTS Band 8+ Words and Phrased on most important | Work-Life Balance | Lesson-14
Work-Life Balance: Burnout: Physical and emotional exhaustion due to chronic work-related stress. Flexible working arrangements: Employment options that allow employees to adjust their work hours or location. Work-life integration: Achieving a harmonious blend...
IELTS Band 8+ Words and Phrased on most important | Housing | Lesson-13
Housing: Affordable housing crisis: A situation where a significant portion of the population faces difficulties in finding affordable and suitable housing. Housing affordability: The extent to which housing costs are manageable for individuals and families. ...
IELTS Band 8+ Words and Phrased on most important | Tourism | Lesson-12
Tourism: Wanderlust: A strong desire to travel and explore the world. Cultural immersion: Fully engaging and experiencing the customs and traditions of a different culture. Tourist influx: The arrival of a large number of tourists to a destination. Experiential...
IELTS Band 8+ Words and Phrased on most important | Transportation | Lesson-11
Transportation: Mass transit systems: Public transportation systems that carry a large number of passengers efficiently. Infrastructure development: Construction and improvement of transportation facilities and networks. Traffic congestion: The heavy flow of...
IELTS Band 8+ Words and Phrased on most important | Climate Change | Lesson-10
Climate Change: Global warming effects: The consequences of the Earth's rising average temperature on the environment and ecosystems. Climate adaptation strategies: Plans and actions to cope with and adjust to the impacts of climate change. Greenhouse gas...
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